
Date Description
07/16: Started as a SoC design Engineer at the Intel Foundry Services [IFS], Intel Corp.
01/01: Started as a SoC design Engineer at the Programmable Soultions Group [PSG], Intel Corp.
07/16: Began full time employment as a Security Researcher at IPAS, Intel corp.
05/11: Full paper accepted in ISLPED 2018.
03/19: Won Best Poster Prize at PhD forum at DATE 2018.
03/05: Full Journal paper accepted into TVLSI 2018.
03/03: Full Journal paper accepted into JOLPE 2018.
03/03: Full paper accepted into HOST 2018.
01/26: Received travel grant for DATE 2018.
12/18: Submission accepted into DATE PhD forum 2018.
11/22: Paper submitted in DAC 2018.
09/29: Paper submitted in CICC 2018.
11/13: Paper accepted to GOMACTech 2018.
10/14: Book Chapter on Hardware Trojans accepted for publication by Springer International in book titled "Hardware Trojan War".
09/29: Paper submitted to GOMACTech 2018.
08/23: Full paper accepted in ICCD 2017.
05/08: Began work as an intern at Security Center of Excellence (SeCoE) - Intel Corp 2017.
03/15: Demo accepted in HOST 2017.
03/13: Paper submitted to ISLPED 2017.
02/01: Demo proposal submitted to HOST 2017.
11/10: Full paper accepted in JETCAS 2016.
11/05: Paper accepted for interactive presentation in DATE 2017.
11/04: Paper accepted for presentation in GOMACTech 2016.
09/19: Paper Submitted to DATE 2017.
08/20: Began my new PhD journey @ Penn State University PSU 2016.
08/19: Completed my work as an intern at Security Center of Excellence (SeCoE) - Intel Corp 2016.
08/15: Special Issue journal paper has been accepted in JETCAS 2016.
07/22: Full paper accepted in DFT 2016.
07/10: Full paper accepted in D&T 2016.
06/07: Won the Best Poster Presentation award at the 2016 PhD Forum at DAC .
05/31: Abstract accepted for a full paper & poster presentation in TECHCON 2016.
05/24: Full paper accepted in ISTFA 2016.
05/16: Began work as an intern at Security Center of Excellence (SeCoE) - Intel Corp 2016.
04/25: Paper submitted in ICCAD 2016.
04/25: Abstract submitted in ISTFA 2016.
04/15: Submission titled "Spintronic memory towards Secure and Energy-Efficient Computing" has been accepted to the PhD Forum at DAC 2016.
02/18: Work-In-Progress paper accepted in ETS 2016.
02/16: Work-In-Progress paper accepted in DAC 2016.
02/09,10: Presented poster titled "Threshold Defined Logic Engines And Applications" at FICS 2016.
12/31: Paper submitted in D&T 2016.
11/24: Paper submitted in DAC 2016.
11/21: Placed Second place in the Intramurals Mens Doubles Badminton Tournament.
11/04: Paper accepted for presentation in GOMACTech 2016.
09/18: Paper Submitted to DATE 2016.
09/11 Paper Submitted to GOMACTech 2016.
09/02: Full paper accepted in ASPDAC 2016.
07/28: New journal paper accepted in special issue of ACM JETC 2016.
07/15: Article in IEEE XPLORE Innovation Spotlight, titled Domain Wall Memory: The Next Big Thing in Hardware Security? June 2015.
07/14: New journal paper accepted in TCAS-I 2016.
03/14: Filed a provisional patent on "Non-Volatile Flip-Flop with Enhanced-Scan Capability to Sustain Sudden Power Failure".
02/17: Work-In-Progress paper accepted in DAC 2015
12/02: Paper submitted in DAC 2015.
11/16: Team LOGICS won 3rd spot in Embedded Security Challenge in CSAW 2014.
11/09: Special Issue journal paper has been accepted in JETCAS 2015.
10/10: Passed Ph.D. Qualifier.
05/07: Filed a provisional patent on "Methods and Apparatus to Build Physically Unclonable Functions Using Spintronic Domain Wall Memory".
05/02: Full paper accepted in ISLPED 2014.
02/16: Received USF alumni travel grant.
02/15: Full paper accepted in DAC 2014.
01/07: Full paper accepted in HOST 2014.
12/01: Paper submitted in DAC 2014.
07/24: Joined LOGICS research group.